
What is the difference between facades and contracts in Laravel

What is the difference between facades and contracts in Laravel

In Laravel, a facade and a contract are two different ways to access a service container's underlying implementation. Facade A facade acts as a prox...

What is a facade in Laravel and how to create a custom facade?

What is a facade in Laravel and how to create a custom facade?

What is a facade in Laravel? In Laravel, a facade is a design pattern used to provide a static interface to services available in the application's s...

QuerySelector method in JavaScript

QuerySelector method in JavaScript

In a tree structure, we use a selector in CSS that matches against elements. We use elements, classes, or IDs.  Selectors Let's see an example1...

Pure HTML-CSS accordion or collapsible panel using Details and Summary tags

Pure HTML-CSS accordion or collapsible panel using Details and Summary tags

Collapsible panels or accordions have been an important part of the UI experience for a long time. In this article, we will explore HTML5 <details...

JavaScript callback function with examples

JavaScript callback function with examples

The callback function is a must-know concept for developers!  What is a function() ? A function is a block of code that does a defined task whe...

Must know Laravel artisan commands cheat sheet

Must know Laravel artisan commands cheat sheet

Laravel gives developers a Command Line interface - Artisan. Artisan commands line tool is very handy for building a Laravel application. With this co...

Design trend - Neomorphism in UI

Design trend - Neomorphism in UI

Neomorphism or soft UI is a new trend getting popular among UI developers in the year 2020. What is Neomorphism or soft UI? Neuromorphic UI is...

Microsoft's New Windows Terminal - Installation to customization guide

Microsoft's New Windows Terminal - Installation to customization guide

Microsoft has released the Windows Terminal Preview version. The latest version of the Terminal app is available from the Microsoft Store. As per Mic...

Redirect website from http to https using htaccess

Redirect website from http to https using htaccess

  From July 2018, with the release of Chrome 68 - Now your website users know the level of security as google flags your website if your site is...

Create a Horizontal Scrolling Menu

Create a Horizontal Scrolling Menu

How To Create a Horizontal Scrolling Menu The answer is much simple than you thought. The basic idea -  - A container or a wrapper (parent )...

Scroll to top of the page - A simple React component

Scroll to top of the page - A simple React component

We are going to create a React button component that when clicked, the page smoothly scrolls back to the top. Here is the simple concept to achieve t...

.gitignore file and its usage

.gitignore file and its usage

What is .gitignore used for? The .gitignore file is a text file in a repository. The purpose of .gitignore is to instruct Git which files, directory...

How to use GitHub - Simple GitHub tutorial for beginners

How to use GitHub - Simple GitHub tutorial for beginners

What is GitHub? GitHub is a Git repository(repository, in short, is termed as a repo) hosting service platform allowing us to store our local re...

Clear cache in Laravel

Clear cache in Laravel

Here is the list of commands to clear all types of cache in the Laravel project. Clear Application Cache  php artisan cache:clear Clear...

Getting started with Git -a dead simple tutorial for beginners

Getting started with Git -a dead simple tutorial for beginners

Getting started with Git! The very first lesson - Git is your friend. And it is never too late to learn something new! This guide is specially...

How to use Laravel Mix in any projects

How to use Laravel Mix in any projects

What is Laravel Mix? Laravel Mix provides a fluent API for defining Webpack build steps for your Laravel application using several common CSS and J...

Laravel Queue worker and Supervisor process monitor

Laravel Queue worker and Supervisor process monitor

Laravel Queues are great for dealing multiple time consuming processes. These job queues are processed by the queue worker. And Supervisor is a proces...

CSS Counters function tutorial with examples

CSS Counters function tutorial with examples

CSS Counters function CSS 2.1 introduced CSS counters. Using Counters in CSS we can keep track on the placement of any element in the document tree a...

Simple offline pages with Service worker

Simple offline pages with Service worker

Rich offline web pages are one of the great feature of service worker. Imagine, you are travelling and going through a website page. Suddenly internet...

Animate on scroll - Best 5 CSS3+jQuery scroll libraries

Animate on scroll - Best 5 CSS3+jQuery scroll libraries

Web design is no more limited to content and graphics. One can not deny the role of animations and effects on the websites.  There are many anim...


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