What is a facade in Laravel?

In Laravel, a facade is a design pattern used to provide a static interface to services available in the application's service container. A facade acts as a "wrapper" around a class, providing a simple and intuitive API to interact with the underlying class.

The facade pattern is used to simplify the usage of complex functionality by providing a simpler, more concise interface. Facades are often used to provide a simpler way to interact with classes that have a large number of methods, or when you want to group related functionality under a single, easy-to-use interface.

In Laravel, facades are implemented using static methods, which allows you to use them without having to instantiate the underlying class. You can think of a facade as a static proxy for a service registered in the application's service container.

Behind the scenes, facades in Laravel use the application's service container to resolve the underlying class instance. The facade acts as a proxy to the underlying instance, providing a simple and readable API for working with the service.

Laravel’s facades, and any custom facades you create, will extend the base Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade class1. The Facade base class makes use of the __callStatic() magic-method to defer calls from your facade to an object resolved from the container.

For example, Laravel's Auth facade provides a simple and intuitive interface for working with the application's authentication system. Instead of having to instantiate the underlying Guard class, you can use the Auth facade to authenticate users, check if a user is logged in, and perform other authentication-related tasks.

// Using the Auth facade to log in a user
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password])) {
    // User has been logged in


Another example, is to use the Request class in Laravel, you could either create a new instance of it or use the Request facade:

// Creating a new instance of Request
$request = new Illuminate\Http\Request();

// Using the Request facade
$request = Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request::input('name');

Using the facade is more concise and easier to read than creating a new instance of the Request class.

Laravel includes many built-in facades for commonly used services, such as the Auth facade for working with authentication, the DB facade for database operations, and the Route facade for working with routes. You can also create your own facades to provide a simpler interface to custom classes or third-party libraries.

Overall, facades are a powerful tool in Laravel that make it easier to work with complex functionality, and provide a consistent and intuitive API for interacting with your application's services.


How to create a Facade in Laravel

Facades can be defined by creating a new class that extends the Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade class and defining the getFacadeAccessor method to return the name of the service in the container that the facade should be bound to. Laravel also provides a convenient way to generate a facade using the php artisan make:facade command.

To create a facade in Laravel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new class that extends the Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade class.
    namespace App\Facades;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
    class MyFacade extends Facade
        protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
            return 'my-facade-service'; // replace with the name of the service in the container


  2. Define the getFacadeAccessor method and return the name of the service in the container that you want the facade to be bound to. Replace 'my-facade-service' with the name of the service that you want to use.

  3. Register the service in the container by adding it to the providers array in your config/app.php file.

    'providers' => [
        // ...


  4. Create a new service provider that binds the service to the container.
    namespace App\Providers;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    use App\Services\MyFacadeService;
    class MyFacadeServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
        public function register()
            $this->app->singleton('my-facade-service', function ($app) {
                return new MyFacadeService();
  5. In your code, you can now use your facade by calling its static methods.
    use App\Facades\MyFacade;

That's it! You have created a new facade in Laravel. Note that this is just a basic example, and you may need to modify the code to suit your specific needs.