Laravel 5.6 is released

News / Feb 20, 2018

The Laravel 5.6 release is now available.

Laravel 5.6 requirements

Following are some of the great new features of Laravel 5.6.

Eloquent Date Casting

Eloquent date format is now easily customizable.

protected $casts = [
    'approved_at' => 'date:Y-m-d',
    'activated_at' => 'datetime:Y-m-d H:00',


API Controller Generation

Now api controllers can be easily generated through artisan make:controller command using --api flag

php artisan make:controller API/PostController --api

Argon2 Password Hashing

Argon2 is a great hashing algorithm and Laravel 5.6 now supports Argon2. You can easily controls the hashing driver in confing/hashing.php


Bootstrap 4

Laravel 5.6 frontend and Vue components, all use bootstrap 4 stable version


Broadcast Channel Classes

Now channel classes can be used in routes/channels.php

You can create channel class by using make:channel artisan command

php artisan make:channel UserChannel

Registering channel in routes/channels.php is also very easy

use App\Broadcasting\UserChannel;

Broadcast::channel('user.{user}', UserChannel::class);



Now logging configurations are in new config/logging.php file.


Single Server Task Scheduling

onOneServer() method makes a particular task to be run on a single server.


Artisan optimize command removed

In Laravel 5.6, artisan optimize command has been officially removed.


Checkout the changelog to find out more.

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