Design matters. If you have interest and passion for front-end designing you have a lot to learn and experiment. So, we gonna create a button and it...
We have used DIVs many times in its best way and it has always served us as expected. Now it’s time to make some interesting lay...
The use of this .htaccess is to enable you to redirect your website visitor to a predfined custom error page (termed as 404 ) in c...
As we have discussed the various type of redirection earlier, this time we will learn the most important aspect of redirection for...
There must be a solid reason to do this. By using the little code below, we can easily make our website accessible or inacces...
.htaccess (stand for Hypertext Access) is a great role player in the process of optimizing and tweaking websites conditionally.! Let&rs...
First of all... Why do we need to float div.? That’s the question and answer is quite simple. You want two column as in below image th...
Learn to create ‘multilevel drop down menu using HTML and CSS3' in easy steps. The CSS3 is used for a bit animation as well. Though you can...